This application takes photograph including the date and place name.
That date and place name is stamped like a film camera.
1st. : App. searches for the place, and displays the result.
2nd. : Tap display to start.
3rd. : Take picture.
4th. : Tap “Use”
Finaly, Photo (was stamped date and place ) displays on screen. It saved in “Camera Roll”.
If you want to continue shooting, please touch the screen again.
Note) This application for network-dependent, might not be able to get location information by location.
To re-launch the app, please start up or relocate.
If no location information, "(nill)" will be displayed.
If App can not get Location information, "somewhere..." will be displayed.
※ If you have less memory available for your equipment (situation, apps is working at the background, or ...) "loading ..." would becoming.
After freeing memory, please use.